A tile based puzzle stealth game about an alchemist that got robbed his precious philosopher's stone amongst other useful magical items and has to get them back from the shadow world. 

A little tip: Use the book in the first level!


warning: in this version, due to a bug, the levels in the level selector do not appear properly, so you will have to beat the levels without exiting to the main menu, sorry about that! 

All the levels have minimum one solution!


To complete each level you must reach the door, if there's an item on the level, you must pick it to open for the door to open.

To retrieve your stolen Philosopher's Stone you will need to get through the 12 levels without getting detected. Stay in the shadows and don't let the guards see you.


Input Keys:

-  WASD: Player Movment

-  Enter: Skip Turn

- Spacebar (Alchemist Book):  If the character is next to a guard, the player can use this ability to knock them out for some turns, depending on the guard’s strength. This can be used many times.

- P (Mimic Potion):  Transforms the character into an object or piece of furniture until the player performs an action. While transformed, the guard cannot detect the character.

- O (Murus Scroll): The player must left-click on an empty piece (floor or empty space) to place a wall. If placed on the floor, a wall is created; if placed in an empty space, a floor piece is created

- I ( Luxus Serum): Transforms the character into a ball of lightning that can fly. After three actions, the character becomes human again. If the character turns human over the void, they will fall, resulting in a game over.

- U (Voltus Inscryption): When the UI button is hovered, it shows the AoE on the tiles. When used, it creates an electric field around the player that K.Os all the enemies.

Screen Buttons:

- All the items commented above can be used by clicking on the screen icon

- Restart Button: Restart current level

- Swap Camera button: Swap camera view position

- Pause Button: Stop game

- Skip Button: Consumes an action to Skip your turn

- Alchemist Book: If you are beside an enemy, stun them.

All visual art is original and was created during the two weeks of the Game Jam. The songs and most of the sound effects are from the website 'Pixabay'.


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Fun game and wonderful implementation of the themes!